Against solemnity

What is humor? Some say it is a state of consciousness to lighten the emotional weight of life. For others it is a state of mind that allows us to glimpse the absurd and paradoxical side of existence. Or a healthy stop to one's narcissism.

The truth is that there is a huge list  of forms of humor dodging any definition. White or black humor, satire, irony, parody ... Few thinkers dare to dig into it (between us, Celestino F. de la Vega), but hundreds of writers use it as an essential resource. The list would be endless. It is enough to mention Quevedo, Thomas de Quincey or Alfred Jarry. Or in this shore Valle Inclan, Castelao or Julio Camba.


12:00 | Lecture: Eduardo Mendoza

The author of "The City of Marvels", "The Truth About the Savolta Case" or "The Mystery of the Bewitched Crypt" is one of the most prominent authors of Spanish literature, a leading chronicler of the city of Barcelona and a master of humor. Before receiving the Planeta Prize (2010) and many other awards in Spain, France and Italy, he had worked as a translator of the UN in New York.

12:45 | Exhibition: Gonzalo Navaza

Writer, poet, essayist, translator and professor of literature at the University of Vigo, he was the director of the Galician dictionaries by Xerais publishing house. As a writer, he was awarded, among others, the Spanish Critics Award in 1991 and 2000. Some of his works as "A torre da derrota" "Elucidario" or "Erros and Tánatos" are tops of humor, puns and palindromes. Since 2009 he has been a correspondent for the RAG.

13:15 | Experimental theatre: Los Torreznos

The duo formed by Jaime Vallaure and Rafael Lamata is an exponent of the "Art of Action", being acclaimed in numerous tours in Asia, Europe and America. In this session they perform their piece "La Cultura", which deprts from a conference that degenerates to unveil deeper layers ...

Literature & Thought
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